Overland Conveying Systems
Civil and Design Engineering
Overland Conveying Systems provides turn-key projects that span design, engineering, construction and material handling system start-ups.
About Overland
Overland Conveying Systems operates a 20,000 square foot fabrication shop located on approximately 20 acres in the heart of the Western Kentucky coalfield. Fabrication capabilities, from raw materials to the painted finished product, are performed at this site as well as transportation to job sites. Engineering offices are also located at this facility.
In April of 2012, Overland Conveying Systems designed and constructed a 12,000 foot conveyor form Armstrong Coal Kronos Mine to the Armstrong Coal Smallhaus Dock. This “Lock and Key” project conveys 3.4 million tons of coal per year from the underground mine to the plant and dock facility.
In November 2011, Overland Conveying Systems was awarded the coal handling contract for the new White Oak Resources Mine in McLeansboro, IL. The coal handling project consisted of two reclaim tunnels, four stacking tubes, screening and crushing pant, all conveying systems and a 4,000 TPH unit train loadout.
Overland Conveying is the leading provider in Civil and Design Engineering
Civil Engineering
Conveying Design and Build
Custom Builds
Overland has grown from its initial system of site preparation and foundations to today’s final commissioning of large scale conveying systems, reclaim tunnels, train loadouts, barge loading and unloading facilities and coal preparation systems
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